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The Conversation: Stephen Fry on demand See more

Writer and actor Stephen Fry talks about the wars and peace, the equalities and dictatorships, the divine interventions and the earthly experience that he retells in his books Mythos, Heroes and Troy.

Watch until Sunday 1 September

The Conversation: Natalie Haynes on demand See more

The Conversation series finale sees the rockstar classicist Natalie Haynes celebrate the goddesses of Greek myth in her new book Divine Might.

Watch until Sunday 1 September

The Conversation: Ben Okri on demand See more

This conversation is with writer Ben Okri is inspired by environmental activism, Tiger Work blends fiction, poetry and essays to make a powerful and personal appeal for change.

Watch until Sunday 1 September

The Conversation: Jung Chang on demand See more

Writer Jung Chang discusses the trajectory of the world’s emerging superpower over the past 150 years, and the role of women in its political culture.

Watch until Sunday 1 September

The Conversation: Helena Kennedy on demand See more

From pay gaps, social media malice and women’s prisons to the relentlessly atrocious statistics on abuse, rape and murder the human rights lawyer and working peer examines the structural inequalities in politics and law that are failing women.

Watch until Sunday 1 September

The Conversation: Jeremy Bowen on demand See more

The International Editor of the BBC, Jeremy Bowen, reflects on the realities of the region he has reported on for 35 years, and which he explores in his books, Six Days, The Arab Uprisings and The Making of the Modern Middle East: A Personal History. Chaired by Peter Florence.

Watch until Sunday 1 September

Church Tour See more

A guided tour of the church, stopping to reflect on different aspects of the history, ministry and worship of St Martin's.

Wednesday 31 July 2024, 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Church Tour See more

A guided tour of the church, stopping to reflect on different aspects of the history, ministry and worship of St Martin's.

Wednesday 07 August 2024, 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
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