Dona nobis pacem

Music from around the Anglican communion marking the start of the Week of Prayer and Christian Unity.


Choir: Where’er you go – Allan Friedman
Hymn: In Christ there is no east or west (t: St Stephen)
Choir: Otche Nash (The Lord’s Prayer) – Arensky
Choir: Let all the world – Kenneth Leighton
Choir: Dona nobis pacem (A Hymn for World Peace) – David Fanshawe
Hymn: The Church’s one foundation (t: Aurelia)
Choir: Sent by the Lord am I (Trad. Nicaraguan)

Led by Revd Richard Carter
Performed by St Martin’s Voices
Directed by Andrew Earis

A 35-minute sequence to speak to heart, head and soul, exploring through songs and readings the great classical music of our religious heritage.

Free entry. A retiring collection is taken to support the work of St Martin-in-the-Fields.