‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ is a free online resource designed for not-for-profit educational use. Register below for access to the course materials.
- Select the Register link below.
- Enter your details: boxes marked * require an entry.
- A user name and password will be issued to you via email.
- After registration, you’ll be forwarded to the page to log in with these.
- Once you’ve logged in with your new credentials, you’ll be able to access all the resources of ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’.
Why do I need to register?
‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ has been created by St Martin-in-the-Fields in partnership with the National Gallery. It’s offered to the wider church as a free resource for use in enabling people to explore the Christian faith. We trust that you’ll find the resource an engaging and useful one.
In return we ask that you register to gain access to the materials, and so that we can send you occasional news and information. You can opt-out at any time by clicking the relevant link at the end of one of our electronic mailings.
In addition, we ask that you commit to the following conditions of use:
- That you understand that the images for ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ are provided courtesy of the National Gallery and the Royal Collection for not-for-profit, educational use. And that you agree not to alter them or reproduce them in any way, or use them for any other purpose.
- That you also understand that the course design and theological reflections for ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ are provided by St Martin-in-the-Fields for not-for-profit, educational use, and that you agree not to reproduce them in any publication, printed or electronic, without permission in writing from St Martin-in-the-Fields.