St Martin’s Junior Choir was established in 2022 to provide children with the opportunity to experience high quality choral music and take part in the liturgy at St Martin-in-the-Fields. The choir is open to boys and girls aged 7-14 who wish to be part of our rich musical tradition. It is directed by Polina Sosnina.

The choristers sing a wide range of repertoire and participate in a variety of liturgies, as well as being trained in music theory. The choir’s principal service is Choral Evensong on Mondays, which they sing four times a term, with rehearsals every Monday. The Junior Choir also sings at other major events and takes part in our renowned concert series, as well as appearing on BBC Radio 4.

Entry to the choir is by audition and is open to children aged 7-13.

Please click here to apply for an audition or email for more information.