Support St Martin’s this Christmas

The story of that first Christmas is a reminder of the power of presence. It is more than just a historical account; it is a profound lesson in the art of being present with one another. It is about being attentive to the whole being of those we encounter, so deeply that we ourselves are transformed in the process.

In this season of giving and reflection, we are inspired by the story of the Nativity to reflect on the true essence of presence. It is about more than just physical proximity; it is about offering our time, our love, and our resources to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

As we approach this special time of year, we invite you to join us in our mission. Your support can make a world of difference. With your generous donation, you can help us extend the hand of love and support to those who are less fortunate.

Donate today to help provide support, nourishment, dignity, and hope to those in need.

St Martin-in-the-Fields Trust

5 St Martin’s Place

Trafalgar Square



020 7766 1132