Sharing our music

And for those unable to come to St Martin’s we have looked for new ways to reach them, no matter the distance.

Our choral ensembles, St Martin’s Voices and the Choral Scholars have recorded hymns every week to share with churches unable to access their own music. To date this music has been downloaded over 500,000 times. As one Vicar told us,

Can I thank you all for providing beautiful music while COVID-19 lock down continues? It has made a huge difference to my four rural churches here in county Durham nestled on the Northumberland border, as I do my best to livestream and add your music.”

We know that music has been a comfort for many during dark days this year and has been a source of great enjoyment and connection around the world, as one virtual audience member wrote to tell us,

I am writing to express my thanks for the exquisite concert experience of the first of the Summer Online Festival offerings. We were at home in the rural mountains of New England and our daughter was at her home nearly 300 miles away in Philadelphia, yet we shared this experience virtually. We have not been able to see each other since the pandemic began.”