The heart of St Martin’s has always been about building community.


We love bringing people together, so we created opportunities for people to eat and drink, meet old friends and new, hear music, create art, share stories and explore ideas together.


We try to celebrate each and every person who comes into contact with us – across race and culture, sexuality and gender, perspectives and experiences. We treat each person as a mystery in all their GLORIOUS uniqueness, not as problem to be fixed. Where would the fun be if we were all the same?


We draw together groups from across our different communities to help us grow in accessibility to and in understanding of race, sexuality, disability and gender. And we break new ground in intersectional understanding of these issues, particularly in relation to faith, holding conferences and lectures on these topics each year.


Our café is especially designed to bring people together – whether to daydream or think around others, to meet for a vibrant chat with old friends or family or to find new friends. For as long as humanity has existed, food and drink has created space and time for friendships and collaboration. We want to continue that.


When people meet at St Martin’s, great conversations happen. Many conversations have changed lives; some have changed the world. Shelter, Crisis, the Big Issue, Amnesty International, Liberty: all started with conversations at St Martin’s.

Want to be part of our next world-changing conversation? Meet at St Martin’s!