Well done, everyone! Our donations raised £946.82 for the five London organisations working to eradicate the scourge of modern slavery: Ella’s Home, Kalayaan, Love146, the Rise Project, and Tamar.

Thank you, Huw Mathias, for your very informative talk on 10 February, focusing primarily on domestic and agricultural slavery, and featuring disturbing interviews with freed slaves describing their experiences and work conditions. Huw presented the shocking statistic that the largest group of slaves being moved from one location to another within our country’s borders last year were actually UK nationals. He made us think about our daily lives and how we urgently need to be more aware of how we may, unwittingly, be using or buying items that are the products of modern slavery. Then, on 17 March, my talk focused on the five London organisations listed above. I also included the Church of England’s Clewer Initiative, which focuses on slave labour in car washes. (They even have a handy, easy to use, phone app…you can download SAFE CARWASH and start using today!)

Want to stay involved? With over 40 million slaves in the world today (between 10-13 thousand in Britain) we need you. Want to become an abolitionist? With someone becoming a slave every 30 seconds, controlled by fear and desperation, we need you. With no typical victim (slaves are all genders, ages, ethnicities and nationalities), we need you. With the average age of a slave today being 12 years old, we need you. Send your email to rwyc.resolute@gmail.com and I will keep you abreast of legislation and current events.

Elizabeth Matthews

Anyone can report suspected slavery by calling 0800 012 1700. Situation doesn’t feel right? Report it.