Last week, while staying with a friend in Beirut, I watched the film ‘The Insult’ which portrays the escalating argument and ensuing court case between a Lebanese Christian and Palestinian Muslim. Both men, driven from their homes, lives at risk, have spent years harbouring anger and pain that now rises to the surface. The drama reflects the wounds of a country still hurting from the 15-year civil war of the 70s and 80s; home for 70 years to a large population of Palestinian refugees and now host to over a million Syrian refugees.

The film offers no easy resolution. But forced to confront their own fears, resentment, and potential for violence, these men start to recognise their shared humanity. An apology is given and received. A glimmer of hope. A sign of peace.

Jesus’ disciples, confronted by death and uncertainty hid in a locked room in fear. Then Jesus appeared among them, showed them His wounds, and said ‘Peace be with you’.

We live in a world of war, displacement, and fear. And we each carry our own hidden wounds and fears, which prevent us from letting go and reaching out, in recognition, forgiveness and love. The miracle of Easter is that Jesus still comes; into the mess of our world; into the locked rooms of our hearts, and says, ‘Peace be with you’.

So, may the Peace of the Risen Lord Jesus be with us all this Easter. Alleluia!

Susannah Woodd