I have a unique calendar which tells me, for example, that June 18 is World Juggling Day. This weekend, sandwiched between the International Day of Peace and British Cheese Week, is Bisexual Visibility Day.

Once upon a time, religion, sex, and politics were not part of polite conversation. Of course, at some point, you feel passionately about one or all three, and you may wear the badge or tee-short or tattoo, and stand up and be counted for your cause, so, a genuine bravo for Bisexual Visibility Day.

But how do we make our Christian faith visible? You may choose to wear a badge or a cross or give out tracts…however, perhaps as important as the faith you hold, is showing it by the way you behave. “By their fruits you shall know them.”

A wise person wrote, Christians “carry within them an inner peace and happiness which others may perceive, even if they do not know its source.” Of course, the best human qualities, the acts of love, kindness, or compassion, are not the monopoly of the ‘religious’. However, it would be great to know that we are making our faith visible by leading lives that are Christ-like.

Revd Colin Midlane