At the end of Acts 2, we read an inspiring account of the church immediately following Pentecost. Everyone shared their possessions, they met regularly to eat, pray and learn, they made sure none were in need, and ‘day by day the Lord added to their number.’ It’s often dismissed a rather idyllic picture, impossible to replicate.

Is it impossible? In the last six weeks we’ve seen a remarkable upsurge in care for our neighbour – for example the large take-up for the Faith Companion groups run through our online congregation page. We’ve seen unprecedented levels of participation in activities, again coordinated through our online public ministry. We’ve seen encouraging growth in our Exploring Faith groups. And the quite wonderful giving to our Emergency Appeal shows the appetite for ensuring no one is in need. Please consider giving to our Emergency Appeal, if you haven’t already. It brings together the heart of St Martin’s – finding in the person in need the face of Christ – with the edge of St Martin’s – creative, nimble, imaginative.

I’m daily thankful for the way this crisis is bringing out the best in so many people – and for how the world at large is recognising like never before the truth of what our community represents. I am very aware of how powerless and ‘out of it’ so many people – within and beyond our community – feel, particularly if words like zoom or Facebook do not compute, or senior years or furlough seem to place restrictions on what people can contribute.

We can’t exactly replicate Acts 2. But we can imitate and experience that dynamism, that wonder, that energy to find in one another everything we need, and in ourselves things we never knew we had. With so much to be bewildered by, that’s something for which we may strive – and be thankful.


Revd Dr Sam Wells