All Saints Eucharist
Two years ago in the Brexit referendum this country was divided between leavers and remainers. In truth few remainers believed the European Union was the fount of every blessing, while few leavers really thought Britain would finally realise its eternal destiny the moment it left the EU.

Encountering Jesus of Nazareth
Duration: 1:19:14 Encountering Jesus of Nazareth with Mark Oakley, Rose Hudson-Wilkin and Brother Sam SSF. In an evening chaired by Katherine Hedderly each of the speakers have chosen a Gospel passage which tells of an encounter with Christ that has in some way changed or transformed their own lives.

Encountering Jesus of Nazareth Q&A
Duration: 32:06
Recorded on: 29.10.2018
File Size: 30,107 KB

Encountering Jesus of Nazareth
Duration: 52:36
Recorded on: 29.10.2018
File Size: 49,335 KB
Things too Wonderful for Me
Duration: 14:32
Recorded on: 28.10.2018
File Size: 13,631 KB
The Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity
I wonder, when you lie on your bed, how long it takes you to get to sleep. There’s something extraordinarily vulnerable about lying down with your eyes closed not knowing what will happen next. It puts us on touch with our isolation.
The Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity
A clergy friend of mine was a chaplain for a few years supporting lawyers in the City and was attached to St Paul’s Cathedral. Her role, the cathedral said, was the equivalent to that of a minor canon. The only point about this she said seemed to be that it meant she’d know her place in the clergy processions in and out of the cathedral for services.
Living Differently
Duration: 12:39
Recorded on: 21.10.2018
File Size: 11,873 KB

Encountering London Q&A
Duration: 24:47
Recorded on: 15.10.2018
File Size: 23,252 KB