Encountering Jesus of Nazareth
Duration: 52:36
Recorded on: 29.10.2018
File Size: 49,335 KB

Encountering London Q&A
Duration: 24:47
Recorded on: 15.10.2018
File Size: 23,252 KB

Encountering London
Duration: 56:39
Recorded on: 15.10.2018
File Size: 53,118 KB
Jesus: Human and Divine
There are two kinds of things: those that abide forever; and those that don’t. The things that abide forever we call essence; the things that last for a shorter period we call existence.
We human beings are in the first category. We exist: we think that because we exist we’re the heart of all things. But we forget that existence isn’t all there is. Existence is not the same as essence. Existence is subject to change and decay – and death. Essence isn’t. Yes, we do indeed exist. But we’re not essences: we’re not permanent. We’re not essential. Take us away and there still is. Our being depends on the existence of others.

Rowan Williams: Encountering the Other
Duration: 1:22:22. Watch the first lecture in our Encounter Series. Rowan Williams speaking about Encountering the Other earlier this month.

Encountering the Other Q&A
Duration: 33.57
Recorded on: 17.09.2018
File Size: 31,837 KB

Encountering the Other
Duration: 53.54
Recorded on: 17.09.2018
File Size: 50,543 KB