Church Life in Tier 2
We are thrilled to be able to open our doors for public worship again. As before: please wear a face covering at all times inside church; maintain 2m distancing; sign in using Track and Trace; make regular use of the hand sanitiser provided; and when possible print your order of service at home or have it on your phone. You can always still join us for live-stream services on Facebook. The church is open for Private Prayer – Wednesday 12-2pm, subject to special services.

For a full list of our Advent and Christmas services please click here.

Carols in the Courtyard/Thursday-Saturday, 6-7pm, Sunday, 3-4pm. Sing along with the Choir of SMITF and Chorus, and why not enjoy a mince pie from the cafe!

Baptisms and Confirmations with Bishop Sarah/Sunday 10 January, 10am. If you haven’t been baptised or confirmed yet now is the perfect time. Please speak to Sally for more information.

Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story/today, 2pm, Zoom meeting, click here to register. ‘The Advent Wreath’ exploring the Patriarchs, the Prophets, John the Baptist and Mary.

Advent Oasis/today, 3-5pm, zoom meeting. Another ‘Oasis’ time of quiet scripture reflection, prayer and practical art in our homes. Please let Jonathan Evens know if you would like a zoom invitation:

Phone Prayer Group/Monday, 4-4.30pm. For more information please contact

Biblical Studies class/Monday 14 December, 7.30-9pm, zoom meeting. Click here to register in advance.

Fortnightly Children’s Church/Sunday 20 December, 4-5pm on Zoom. For more information email

Faith Companions are groups of 3-4 congregation members who commit to making contact with each other once a week through the pandemic. If you are not in a faith companions group and would like to be contact

New Stewards – We Need You! Are you a member of St Martin’s congregation that regularly attends worship? Can you spare some time to support one of our church services over the Advent and Christmas season? Please email Kristine Wellington ( or Helen Riley ( if you are able to steward in the building, and Ellie Waterhouse ( if you are able to steward online from home.

Chinese Church’s Virtual Christmas Market. The stalls cover a range of things like homemade delicacies, or a chance to play virtual games together. For more information, please contact Harry or Yen Leung.

Media and Wider Ministry
On Thursday 10 December, Revd Richard Carter led the Daily Service on BBC Radio 4 with a meditation on the Magnificat. Click here to listen again.