The Empty Tomb
For decades, even centuries, the battle raged in the early Church. Did Jesus rise bodily from the dead? Was the tomb empty?
A Story in Three Parts
I’ve started to think of this pandemic season in terms of the Noah story.
Week One of Lockdown
It seems like the period of the rules changing every day might be over, and the country is getting used to a very different rhythm of life.
Smiling is Infectious
Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
There is no doubt that Yorkshire Tea has had a rough week. The company has faced a barrage of criticism on social media after the new Chancellor was pictured holding a giant bag of their product.
The Wisdom of going Inward
As I get older I find myself turning often to the Persian poets Rumi and Hafiz and finding comfort there.
Feeling Thankful
It’s been almost four weeks since one of my oldest friends, Nick, had what should have been a fairly routine, albeit serious, operation.